Monday, October 5, 2009

Tsunami hitting California..??

Photo of the damage in Samoa

It was 7:15pm when I showed up at a dinner party and was told a small tsunami might hit the harbor (where my boat was) at 9:11pm. What?! 

The Samoan 8.0 earthquake/tsunami that wiped out villages was just 1.5 meters. It hit Hawaii at about half that size and was enroute to California at an estimated 0.6 meters. The Harbor Patrol seem unconcerned on the phone but my boat lay uninsured right next to the breakwater. Damage to itself or other boats is not in my budget. Even though the threat was low, they say an ounce of prevention is best..

so I scrambled rudely away from the dinner party and had the engine going at 8:56pm.
we were out of the harbor at 9:05pm
and lay anchored in 35 feet of water at 9:12pm

Did the tsunami go through? Apparently their effects can last 1.5 hours. But nay... this was a false alarm. For a natural catastrophe "drill", this was pretty night with stars and altogether enjoyable... here anyway.

...hearts go out to the islanders in the Samoa and nearby who lost their lives and homes. May lots of aid go their way!

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