Thursday, October 22, 2009

Kiri and 350

A few dozen students kayaking 4 miles roundtrip to oil platforms to take photos with a huge 3-5-0 banner... what is going on??

It's this Saturday, October 24th, the Climate Day of Action, with over 4000 events scheduled in 170 countries. The goal is to raise awareness to the number "350", which is the concentration of CO2 in parts per million that scientists have stipulated as "safe" for Earth's atmosphere.  We are already at 387 ppm. Raising awareness about this threshold is important for the upcoming Copenhagen climate talks, in 6 weeks time.

That's where the kayakers come in. Several dozen students from EAB (the environmental affairs board, from UCSB) are doing the trek to the nearest oil platform, just 2 miles off the coast, to take a big group photo and contribute their voices to the global conversation. Their aim isn't to protest the oil platform; rather, they are just using it as a symbol for the changes we need to make as a society - one addicted to oil for fuel, packaging, fertilizers, and more.

The Kiri sailboat was recruited as the support vessel for the trip - we will be in the perimeter to make sure people have a safe haven to retreat to, if needed. We will be sailing there from Santa Barbara on Friday afternoon, anchoring at UCSB, and assisting the students starting at noon on Saturday.

Tune into the Kiri Twitterfeed which will be our main channel during these two next days.


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