Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Below Water Work

We weren't quite done with our Ventura Boatyard work!!  A few more posts to go...

We got rid of the second toilet in the aft cabin. By doing so were able to plug two thru-hulls (holes that take-in or remove water from the boat, and could sink us if they fail). Two fewer holes in the boat is a good thing - we can live with just one toilet!

And more: the propeller and rudder - yet more "invisible" things below the waterline - had to be tackled.

Naturally this hit the end of our ability level and we hired the boatyard staff to help in exchange for 1 free layday. This opened up all kinds of doors - the yard guys were then much more willing to assist with all types of advice, gear loans, etc.

The propeller was tuned; cutlass bearing replaced; shaft aligned; prop key and nut squared up perfectly. Rudder bearing tightened, and all packing glands (prop and rudder shafts) redone to prevent leaking. Solid accomplishments!