Saturday, November 21, 2009

Haul out day 1 - ripping fiberglass off

The first day hauled out, we got a ton of things done! The crew was awesome. We ripped off all the bad fiberglass that the surveyor identified.  Delaminating sections were cut and eliminated without remorse..!

With the guidance of Sequoia, the OceansWatch executive director, we carved away by chisel, knife, grinder, and bare hand. Our friends Tim, Scotty, Jack, Luke, and Alyssum made the trek to Ventura to help.  Many thanks!!

The result? The job is huge but appears manageable (thus far!). Some rotten wood was found in the back of the boat, but otherwise it is in great shape. 

Our plan is to finish prepping the repair areas tomorrow, fiberglass on Monday, and see how things go...


  1. The Aldebaran morphs, becomes the Kiri.

    The make a boat your own. Rebuild it?

    Far better now, than later.

    Peace of mind. Gud'onya!

  2. So glad you have a crew! Bret got your message. He has been swamped with house projects. Sorry we couldn't make it
